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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday WOD - NSAIDs Effects on Soft Tissue Recovery

5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Back Squat
3 X AMRAP Strict Pullups

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NSAIDs Effects on Soft Tissue Recovery
NSAIDs, or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, are commonly used to reduce pain and inflammation associated with sports injuries and also often as fever reducers. They generally work by reducing prostaglandin synthesis, and thus lowering inflammation. Some common NSAIDs are aspirin, naproxen(Aleve), and ibuprofen(Advil, Motrin).
NSAIDs should NOT be used for injuries however, and knowledgeable sports medicine physicians know this, because of their dramatic effects on tissue healing. NSAIDs stop the inflammatory healing process required for wounds to heal and studies have shown this effect is dramatic. In one study mentioned in the link below, the breaking strength of a tendons treated with an NSAID was only 30% of that of the control group's tendons not treated with NSAIDs 6 weeks after injury. Other studies have found similar results with ibuprofen, showing a 300% DECREASE in tendon strength at four weeks. You can read up more on this by clicking on the link below:
NSAIDs Hamper Ligament and Tendon Healing
NSAIDs also shouldn't be used for delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) for the same reason, they stop the repair process, and have actually been banned in some Eastern European countries' sports programs because they halt the adaptation process that occurs from training.
Instead, for acute treatment of injuries, ice for 20 minute intervals, with at least 20 min in between(don't use heat for at least the first 3 days) and rest the injured area for a day or so. Then, depending on the severity of the injury, start adding movement to mobilize the tissues again and start building strength back into it. Start back slowly, but START, don't think an ankle sprain gives you a free ride to lay in bed for a week. Get back in the gym and either work on other weaknesses you have or work on strengthening and helping recover the injured area, preferably both.

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